City of Mud

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Plutonium - It's The Pits!

NOVEMBER 19, 2019

PLUTONIUM--It's The Pits!

Was a workshop and social gathering on current nuclear weapons issues.

There are plans to dramatically increase production of plutonium pits, the cores of nukes. We asked our friends to help oppose this costly, toxic folly. We held a casual workshop on expanded production of plutonium pits and had a chance to socialize and network.

presenters were:
Jay Coghlan 
Director of NukeWatch NM
read his new op-ed: why we can't trust LANL

Scott Kovac 
NukeWatch Research Director
on Los Alamos Lab cleanup issues

...and visiting nuclear activist & superhero
Marylia Kelley of Tri-Valley CARES (Livermore, CA)